Author's posts
Tree Correspondences
- Filed under Metaphysical, Trees
February 9, 2012
ALMOND: Divination, Clairvoyance, Wisdom, Money, Loans, Business
APPLE: Healing, Prosperity, Love, Perpetual Youth
ASH: Protection, Sea Magic (when away from water)
ASPEN: Protection
BIRCH: Protection, Purification, Fertility, New Beginnings
CEDAR: Prosperity, Longevity
COCONUT: Purity, Chastity, Healing
CYPRESS: Past Life Workings, Protection
ELDER: Healing, Protection, Prosperity
ELM: Protection
FIG: Fertility, Strength, Energy, Health
FIR: Manifestation, All Elements
HAWTHORN: Cleansing, Marriage, Love Protection
HAZEL: Divination, Marriage, Protection, Reconciliation
HEMLOCK: Poison, Not recommended for use.
JUNIPER: Protection
LEMON: Divination, Healing, Chastity, Neutrality
LIME: Divination, Healing, Chastity, Neutrality
LINDEN: Protection
MAPLE: Divination, Love
MULBERRY: Knowledge, Divination, Wisdom, The Will
OAK: Healing, Strength, Money, Longevity
OLIVE: Peace, Fruitfulness, Security, Money, Marriage, Fidelity
ORANGE: Love, Marriage
PALM: Strength
PEACH: Love, Divination
PINE: Purification, Health, Fortune, Fertility, Prosperity
ROWAN: Protection, Strength
SANDALWOOD: Protection, Purification
WALNUT: Healing, Protection
WILLOW: Healing, Protection, Enchantments, Wishing, Easy delivery of babies
YEW: Not recommended for use.