
February 2, 2013 – February 3, 2013 all-day



Other Names: Imbolq, Olmeic, Candlemas, Brigits Day, Bride Day 
Date: February 2 (Greater Sabbat/Cross Quarter)
Celebration of: The God is a young child growing in size and strength
Related Holiday: Valentine's Day
Colors: Pink or Pale Green
Symbols: The Candle Wheel, Evergreens, Willows, Grain Dolly
Notes: First planting of spring. Ritual fires are burned. A time for birth, healing and inspiration. This is a popular time for vows of dedication or consecration.
IMBOLC (say EM-BOLK, also known by Christians as Candlemas), a Celtic Fire Festival, is a time of reawakening, a lighting of the way to new hope as the first quickening of the earth heralds the beginning of Spring. The flame of the candle is a testimony to transformation and the power of the spirit. It is a time of cleansing and purification. It is the opportunity to expunge the things that may stand in the way of our goals and to prepare ourselves for initiation or rededication to deeper spirituality. Now is the time when we sow the seeds of our life. This sabbat honors Bird (or Bride), the goddess of inspiration, healing, and smithcraft. Goddess of sacred wells, goddess of fire and the hearth, Her inspiration leads us to truth; Her waters heal us; Her flame burns in our hearts. Significant symbols include the Sacred Flame, the making of Brid’s Cross, candle lighting ceremony using white candles, seeds.